Item no.:ODMF15-091554
Box size: L30.5 x W12.5 x H16 cm
Whole set Weight:0.932kg
Including:1 pc glass cup (D6.5*H8.6cm) with silver electroplating with label stickers size: 4.5x3.28cm with CMYK logo printing and silver foil stamping, 100% soy wax, wax weight 160g with 8% fragrance.
1 pc clear glass cover(D7.3*H11.9cm),
1pc 100ml glass bottle size: D5.1×H9.7cm, with label stickers size: 4.5x3.28cm with CMYK logo printing and silver foil stamping, with inner seal size:D1.4×H1.2cm, and aluminum cap D2.1×H1.5cm, 100ml solution with 10% fragrance, 6pcs natural reeds size 21cmx 3mm
Package: cardboard box and inner insert provide by Radius importing, 1pc amazon label sticker provided by Radius importing.